Sea Turtle Carvings | Sea Turtle Pocket Pet | Tiny Crystals


When Turtle comes to you as a Spirit Animal, it bears the message of staying true to your path and being at peace with your choices. This may also signify that you are carrying too much weight on your shoulders. You cannot fix anything if you’re overwhelmed. Put down negative things that hold you back, go into your shell, and meditate. Get grounded, embrace your emotional power, and reclaim your serenity.

Also, Turtle might appear as your Spirit Animal during times when it seems as though your world is topsy-turvy. Many mistakenly believe Turtles cannot right themselves when flipped over on their back. But this is not always true. Turtles have strong necks and can flip themselves over. In this, Turtle can come to you as a reminder to use your own head. You are powerful enough to right yourself, even when others don’t believe you can.


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