Sunstone Pendant | 925 Silver Setting | Necklace

from $30.00

Sunstone set in 925 Silver

Includes 1 necklace strand

Sunstone is an energizing stone that activates all of the chakras. Its positive energy is thought to attract romance, happiness, and success. Along the way, it also alleviates fear, encourages independence, and improves self-esteem. Wear it as jewelry for constant effects, use it for meditation for specific areas, or keep it in the home for balance and stability.

Commonly associated with and named after the Sun, sunstone has been used by Vikings as a talisman on their journeys. According to Native American lore, this stone was formed on the place where a warrior was wounded - his blood fell on the rocks and a beautiful sunstone was created.

The information contained in this section is metaphysical in nature. Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment.

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