Prehnite with Epidote Tower | Prehnite | Epidote | Tower | Crystal Tower


Prehnite is also a crystal of memory and recollection. Capable of enhancing a person's protective field, it brings peace and calm. Even looking at the lovely color of Prehnite and touching its delicate surface may induce a feeling of peace and calm.

In the past Prehnites have been used to increase the dream recall after awakening. In order to facilitate the process, before going to sleep you should take your Prehnite and ask it for help to induce and prolog your lucid dreams. Because of Phrenite's ability to vibrate very rapidly between the visible and invisible planes of existence, some Shamanistic traditions treat it as sacred stone.

Prehnite is one of the crystals that promote unconditional love. This stone readily emphasizes the need of spiritual growth, personal evolution and alignment of our energies with the Divine.

Epidote is a very loving and grounding stone, which gently nudges us towards a more positive internal landscape. It helps us to let go of grief, anger, exhaustion, and other “heavy” emotions

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